Re-authoring the world: unfolding ideas and practices

Re-authoring the world: unfolding ideas and practices

| Re-authoring the world: unfolding ideas and practices |In this article you will be invited into the transformational nature of the re-authoring lens and practices for organisational and communal work. Re-authoring work facilitates ways of seeing and doing that...

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Co-Constructing Organizational and Leadership Narratives

Co-Constructing Organizational and Leadership Narratives

| Co-Constructing Organizational and Leadership Narratives |Welcome to the spring issue of the ODPractitioner. This issue deals with developing networked era organizations, measuring the effectiveness of a global leadership development program, re-authoring and...

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Re-Authoring Futures CON-TEXTS

Re-Authoring Futures CON-TEXTS

| Re-Authoring Futures CON-TEXTS |Across the OceansA conversation with Chené Swart about re-authoring futuresby Jacques Chlopczyk Jacques: Chené, how did you get to Re-Authoring? Why does the word capture you? Chené: For me the word ‘Re-Authoring’ in the narrative...

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Co-authoring the future of travel and hospitality

Co-authoring the future of travel and hospitality

| Co-authoring the future of travel and hospitality |Welcome to the story of a future in travel and hospitality that is being re-authored as we speak. This story is currently unfolding in the governmental office of Visit Flanders and its Holiday Participation Centre....

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Re-authoring the future of travel and hospitality

Re-authoring the future of travel and hospitality

| Re-authoring the future of travel and hospitality |Re-authoringthe future of travel and hospitality AN UNFOLDING PRACTICE IN TOURISM FLANDERSGriet Bouwen,Marianne Schapmans &Chené Swart In this chapter we tell the story of a future in travel andhospitality that...

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Beyond Storytelling

Beyond Storytelling

| Beyond Storytelling | In 2016 I contributed an article called Re-authoring Leadership with and within Organizations for the OD Practitioner, Volume 48, Number 2: Co-constructing organizational and Leadership Narratives.  A version of this chapter was also published...

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Transforming Organizations

Transforming Organizations

| Transforming Organizations |In 2019 I contributed a chapter in Transforming Organizations called: Transforming Organizations through the Re-authoring Lens and Practices. An earlier version of this chapter was published called Re-authoring the World: Unfolding Ideas...

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Re-authoring the world

Re-authoring the world

| Re-authoring the world |In 2013 my learnings on the journey of consulting, coaching and leadership development work became the book, Re-authoring the World, which is a translation of the narrative ideas for those interested in organisational and communal...

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Dialogic Organization Development

Dialogic Organization Development

| Dialogic Organization Development |In 2014 I was approached by Gervase Bushe to contribute a chapter in the Dialogic Organizational Book, which I found a wonderful paradigm to situate my work in as consultant and coach. I called Chapter 16, Coaching from a Dialogic...

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