| Partnerships |

Over the years I have been introduced to extraordinary people that have informed, challenged and expanded my thinking and my practices. Not only did we work and designed processes together but we have also cultivated deep friendships that further inform our work.

| Re-authoring Diversity and Inclusion |

The partnership with Lungi Molamu has grown out of a deep friendship, love for re-authoring ideas and practices and co-facilitating diversity and inclusion journeys since 2008.
You can read more about the story of us:

Join us for a Self-Discovery Re-authoring Diversity and Inclusion workshop here:

Invite us for a two-day Re-authoring Diversity and Inclusion online workshop:

You are welcome to contact us if you would like us to facilitate diversity and inclusion processes with your communities and organisations.

| From Scarcity to Abundance|

I met Olivia Saunders in the Bahamas in 2010 and her thinking around Scarcity and Abundance sparked my imagination immediately. We wrote a chapter together in my book, Re-authoring the World and have been continuing our conversation on the implications, effects and possibilities of these ideas and practices.

You can read more about the story of us here:

Join us for the Abundance challenge here:

Invite us for a two-day from Scarcity to Abundance online workshop here:

You are welcome to contact us if you would like us to facilitate From Scarcity to Abundance processes with your communities and organisations.

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