| Partnerships |
| Re-authoring Diversity and Inclusion |
The partnership with Lungi Molamu has grown out of a deep friendship, love for re-authoring ideas and practices and co-facilitating diversity and inclusion journeys since 2008.
You can read more about the story of us:
Join us for a Self-Discovery Re-authoring Diversity and Inclusion workshop here:
Invite us for a two-day Re-authoring Diversity and Inclusion online workshop:
You are welcome to contact us if you would like us to facilitate diversity and inclusion processes with your communities and organisations.
| From Scarcity to Abundance|
I met Olivia Saunders in the Bahamas in 2010 and her thinking around Scarcity and Abundance sparked my imagination immediately. We wrote a chapter together in my book, Re-authoring the World and have been continuing our conversation on the implications, effects and possibilities of these ideas and practices.
You can read more about the story of us here:
Join us for the Abundance challenge here:
Invite us for a two-day from Scarcity to Abundance online workshop here:
You are welcome to contact us if you would like us to facilitate From Scarcity to Abundance processes with your communities and organisations.