Online Workshop: Apprenticeship Journey


The Re-authoring Apprenticeship Path is for those who want to make this lens and practices a way of living and working. This Path consists of 5 x 2-day workshops followed by a three-hour group integration session or one-and-a-half-hour individual integration session. Participants are then invited to deepen their experience by re-authoring their own stories as well as the stories of their work through individual coaching sessions (5 sessions). The integration- and coaching sessions help participants to weave their own life- and work experiences into their future re-authoring practice. When you sign up for the apprentice journey, you automatically become part of a community of practice that gathers once a month to discuss the latest applications of these ideas and practices.

Contact me for more information or coupon codes if you are registering as a participant from the NPO/NGO sector and/or citizens living on the African

The Re-authoring Online Workshop Apprentice Journey is for those who would like to make this lens and practices a way of living and working. There are 5 workshops that address the most important themes of re-authoring ideas and practices. After completing each module, participants are invited to deepen their experience by re-authoring their own stories as well as the stories of their work through individual coaching (5 sessions) and integration conversations (5 sessions).

When you sign up for the apprentice journey, you automatically become part of a community of practice that gathers once a month to discuss the latest applications of these ideas and practices.

Included: 5 x 2-day workshops, 5 coaching sessions & 5 three-hour group integration sessions or one-and-a-half-hour individual integration sessions

The 5 themes that we will explore: Re-authoring the World, Re-authoring Identity, Re-authoring Listening, Questions and Documentation, Re-authoring Narratives We Want More of and Re-authoring Narratives We Want Less of.

Workshop dates for 2021

Re-authoring Identity Interactive online learning workshop 

(2-3 February 2021 @16h00-22h00 SAST & 3-4 August 2021 @ SAST 15h00-21h00)

Re-Authoring the World Interactive online learning workshop

(2-3 March 2021 @16h00-22h00 SAST & 7-8 September 2021 @ SAST 15h00-21h00)

Re-authoring narratives we want more of Interactive online learning workshop 

(6-7 April 2021 @15h00-21h00 SAST & 5-6 October 2021 @ SAST 15h00-21h00)

Re-authoring problem narratives Interactive online learning workshop 

(4-5 May 2021 @15h00-21h00 SAST & 2-3 November 2021 @ SAST 16h00-22h00)

Re-authoring listening, questions and documentation

(1-2 June 2021 @15h00-21h00 SAST)

Who should attend? Leaders, managers, HR and OD practitioners, coaching professionals, educators, social workers, facilitators of group-work, activists and healthcare professionals.

Cost: The cost of this journey is $2150 per participant

How will we learn? In this apprentice journey we learn through the moments of our own lives in ways that seek to ignite the beauty and dignity of all who participates.

Invite me to adapt and/or facilitate this apprenticeship process for your organisation or community. 


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